Summer is officially behind us now, and I think I saw part of it!
It has been a very busy last couple of months, and I really cannot figure out how other artists balance family, working at a "paying" job and creating wonderful art on a regular basis. Even though I was always a good multi-tasker, I just haven't been able to do it, so my apologizes to the lack of posts. Perhaps with school now underway and things a little calmer, my posts will increase.
I had a nice break when our family went away for a week of vacation. We rented a cottage and it turned out to be pretty nice; all except for the "walk" to the lake that is.
The cottage owner explained that we had to walk down a set of stairs to the lake and dock.
No problem. We saw a picture.
However when we got there and saw the "walk"--well, does 'stairway to heaven' conjure up any images?
The picture we were shown was only of part of the walkway. I did a sketch (at left) of the upper portion. In total there were close to 200 steps! And that would be one way, so needless to say we all worked up great appetites and monster calves!
As the boys were all about the fishing, I also got in a few studies of lures and such. Don't ask me to name them though, the only one I know is the "bobber"
9 hours ago