Approx. 5"h x 8" w, watercolor on board
Approx. 5"h x 8" w, watercolor on board
Here is my painting for Karin Jurick's DSDF end of the Year Portrait Challenge. I chickened out last year, but was determined to take part for 2009. Karin got a huge response this year and it is very interesting to see the final pieces. Make sure you check it out!
My entry is done in watercolor and I really tried to use looser strokes and concentrate more on warm vs. cool colour to get my form. It was relaxing to do, probably because it isn't a commission and there wasn't the pressure to make it look exactly like someone. I pretty happy with the result :-)
And here's wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2010!!!
Kim, that's a very beautiful portrait. Love it.
Great job with the portrait, Kim!
You have captured his likeness and cheerful expression very well. Great job! I also enjoyed your beautiful animal paintings. Have a great new year! Akiko
Wonderful portrait on your x-change for DSFDF. Well done, I love the expression
And you should be "pretty happy" with this one, it's really fabulous. Such a great likeness with the best of color choices. I'm sure Dave will be extremely happy with the portrait.
excellent work, Kim. you really captured him.
Happy New Year!
Hey...That's me! Fantastic work! I owe you one (better than the one I did) after I get a bit more experience with doing portraits! Love your Walleye painting, btw.
It is a wonderful portrrait, Kim!
I echo the others when I say that your portrait is lovely. Not an easy task in water color. I did chicken out this year but next year I hope to participate. You've inspired me!
Thanks again everyone, for the kind words! And if I can try my hand at this type of challenge, anyone can:-)
I really have to work at a human portrait. I always feel that I am going to disappoint the 'sitee'
Karin's challenges are great fun and it is surprising what you can do once you try it.
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